Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Fun

My co-workers and I in front of our delicious Thanksgiving feast

In the spirit of the holidays, I wanted to share the holiday spirit here in Kunming. I had the advantage of enjoying two American style Thanksgiving meals, one with friends and another with co-workers. A western cafe sold cooked turkeys, most of the ovens in China are too small to bake a whole turkey in, and the turkey was surprisingly moist and delicious. I made deviled eggs with my mom's secret recipe and it was a great success. Lydia, the 4 yr old girl in the picture even snuck an extra into her mouth when her mom wasn't looking, thats how I know they were a big hit.

Cutting the turkey, and yes, that is a Lion's jersey

Yesterday I put up our Christmas tree. It might be small but it carries plenty of Christmas spirit and lots of sparkly lights. I put a wreath on my door and decorated the rest of the apartment with passed down decorations of past foreigners (thanks Whitney :). I've been playing Christmas music and deciding which kind of cookies to make. I am not sure how China will celebrate Christmas, if they will at all. The shopping malls have their lights up and ornaments hung, but I doubt I will see many trees in people's homes.

This Christmas season I am very blessed to have my family come visit me and spend Christmas in Kunming and Beijing! They will finally get to see what my life here is like and then we will all travel to the Great Wall together. I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit and remembering the real reason for the season! G-d Bl-ss.

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