About CWEF

CWEF Motto:
Improving Livelihoods through Education and Service

CWEF Vision Statement:
CWEF works with local partners to make sustainable long-term changes that improve livelihoods through education, community development and service.

CWEF Mission Statement:
Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization founded by Christians and dedicated to improving the livelihoods of impoverished communities in Asia through education and service.  We partner with local communities, organizations and governments to identify sources of poverty and implement programs in the areas of education and community development.  We believe that education creates opportunities for people to change their lives and create a new future.

CWEF Five Core Principles:
Sincerity in Action
     - We respect all people involved in CWEF work
     - The work we do reflects our commitment to quality, to caring for others and to our core values

Bridge Building
     - Through communication and action we facilitate cooperation and partnership between our stakeholders
     - We promote cultural understanding and mutual respect

Commitment to Local Needs
     - Local needs are valued and guide project development
     - We foster ownership and local participation in all projects

Sustainable Impact
     - Always accounting for available resources, we plan and implement projects that result in long-term positive change
     - Project goals are set and impacts are measured

     - To enhance livelihoods we equip people with new knowledge and awareness through training and education
     - Empowering people to discover opportunities to help themselves and others

Mission and Methodology
CWEF is dedicated to poverty alleviation through education and service.  One way we tackle this challenge is by improving working conditions and living standards in the poor, rural countryside or Yunnan.  Through placing an emphasis on sustainability, awareness and skill building, we believe it is possible to break the cycle of poverty that often follows generation after generation of Chinese peasants in poverty stricken areas.

Methods of achieving this goal include providing technological trainings, human resources, and the money necessary to fund specific projects.  While engaging in each project, CWEF embraces participatory methods that ensure the needs of the individuals being helped are always in focus.

Project Areas
CWEF coordinates and implements projects in three main areas:
     -Education Projects
     -Rural Development/Building Projects
     -Public Health and Sanitation Projects

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