Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love my job

Last week, I was in Hong Kong for a Service Coordinator's meeting with CWEF. As some of you know CWEF is based in Hong Kong so occasionally we fly in for meetings, to get our mail, and to get a refresher about what our other offices are doing. We had our service coordinators in from Shanghai, Yunnan, Guangdong and the Philippines. We brainstormed ideas about how to be a better team leader, making emergency decisions and bridge building, but the highlight of the meetings was when we talked about our core values.
CWEF works with local partners to make sustainable long-term changes that improve livelihoods through education, community development and service. We strive to give people tools so they can change their lives. What I like about CWEF is that we are grounded on long-term development and change. It is easy for people to give a quick, short term dollar amount to a charity relief, which is needed, but we are about sustainability, teaching the people to continue on with these healthy practices after we leave.
Here in China, I live for my job. Many people can't say that they live for their job. Their job is just a means to pay the bills and a way to live the life they want to live, but I am here for a specific purpose. Sitting in my meetings last week just clarified that even more, G-d placed me here because He knew it would be a good fit and it is what I should be doing right now. I feel very bl-ssed that He has given me this opportunity and I am anxious to see where He leads me.

CWEF's Service Coordinators on our hike at Dragon's Back on Hong Kong Island

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