Saturday, August 20, 2011

Home Service

I can't believe it is the end of August and September is just around the corner. It was just June and I was sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation for my trip home to America. Well, I am back in China after a wonderful three and a half weeks seeing family and friends in my home country, America. I cannot believe I have lived in China for over a year now and only have a few months left of my service before I head back home for good.
My time at home was fulfilling and enlightening. A few highlights: Going to Wrigley Field with my Dad to watch the Cubs face the Nationals. Spending time with my brother in the great city of Chicago. Seeing my sister and spending a family weekend at our cabin in Wisconsin. Laughing with my old Camp Arcadia friends and reminiscing about out summers on staff. Seeing my old college roommate and discussing the upcoming wedding we will both be in. Spending time in the mitten of the north (Michigan) and seeing the calming shores of Camp Arcadia.
I also got the chance to visit two churches that are supporting my work. I spoke at Immanuel Lutheran in Adams, Wisconsin and my home church, Trinity Lutheran in Lisle, Illinois. It was great to be able to talk openly about my work and hear affirmations from loving and caring supporters. Sometimes, on the field, it is easy to forget that I have a support network back at home and I can feel rather lonely at times. Returning home in the middle of my service has reminded me of the support I do have, even if it is across the globe.
Coming up this fall are a few trips I am very excited for. My boss comes into Kunming this next week for an orientation and to welcome CWEF's two new English teachers. At the end of September, Concordia International School Shanghai (CISS) comes to Yunnan for several service projects where I will help lead one water project. Then in October, I head to Guangdong Province to help lead an English teaching project with Hong Kong International School. Please pr-y for the new English teachers traveling to Kunming for the first time these next few days and bless their time here with peace and comfort in a time of newness and discovery.

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