Monday, August 23, 2010

Christmas in August & The Waiting Game

It’s Christmas in August here in Kunming! Receiving mail in China isn’t always the most reliable and not the most secure, so we have all our mail sent to our Hong Kong office. Then whenever anybody comes over they bring our mail, letters and boxes. Well, my supervisor flew in from Hong Kong for CWEF orientation this week and brought all of our mail. I got three packages! One was a box my mom sent over shortly after I left of things I forgot or felt I really missed here and wanted, along with some delicious goodies. (I am craving mac n cheese so much!) The next two are birthday boxes. The catch is, my birthday is not until August 31st. So I am patiently waiting till my actual birthday to open these next two boxes. They are sitting in my room staring at me, whispering, “open me, open me”. I will stand strong and wait until next week, when I will have a wonderful mini Christmas in China, opening my birthday boxes.


  1. I do hope you like what I gave you! Just let me know when you need something and I will do my best to send it to you. Love you lil sis!

  2. I love that you got easy mac. Globally delicious!

  3. OK, so, actually Robert, not "Roooobert"... (just saw "Roooobin" and had to :-P) and you don't know me (I don't think) and I don't know you (I don't think) but I met your parents over the weekend. Hope all's going well and you're enjoying your time over there and doing some good work.
    I just figured I'd write, fellow-August-birthday-person, so, Happy Birthday. ;-) Don't forget to open your presents! :-)

    Stay safe!
