Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And so I explore

I leave in a little under 3 months and suddenly I feel rushed for time. Tiny bits of fear and anxiety will creep up from time to time but mostly I am excited and ready to start this journey. I need to find out who I am, what I'm meant to be and meant to do in this world. I want to establish a life for myself, one that I feel fulfilled in. One that I'm happy and confident in. One that I'm proud of. I expect this journey to be life changing, in some ways subtle and unnoticeable at first and in other ways loud, clear and boisterous.
I have no idea where this journey will take me and that is part of the reason why I love it so much. I thrive off of the unexpected, spontaneous decisions that keep you on your toes and keep you waking up every morning wondering what will happen today. I hope that this journey is the first of many. I know that many more adventures are meant to be had, all shaping who I am and who I will become.
I believe that many people will come and go, all contributing something that I can learn from. But it is because of this fact, that they come and go that I need to find myself first and be okay with me as a person before I can fully share myself with someone else. I realize that at times this might seem selfish or lonely and it is. I accept the fact that this road I am taking will be lonely. It will be hard, but I believe I am going to come out of this a stronger and better person.
People keep praising me and saying what I'm doing is so great, but I feel that I just stumbled into it. I wanted adventure, I wanted fun and somehow G-d steered me in this direction. I knew that these true experiences I was searching for were only going to come from actually doing something that mattered, that made a difference. Money has never been a big motivation. A particular place has never kept my interest enough for me to want to settle down. And so I explore. I explore new sights and sounds, new tastes and ways of living. I explore new people, learn how they live and what makes them happy. I explore in hopes that one day I will stumble across something or someone that will stop me and make me feel happy and content with where I am and who I'm with. So in the meantime I want to live life to the fullest, truly experiencing it in all its glory.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A New Beginning

Welcome to my blog! Through these writings I hope to document my travel and journey of my time in southern China and wherever the wind may take me. I hope to make you feel as close as possible to my experience and have a clear picture of what I am doing while in China. Not only do I want you to get an idea of the differences we are making but also the lifestyle changes I will be going through and the growth I hope to experience as an individual. So with that being said, enjoy reading!